Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I am so impressed with this new blog thing, it is awesome. I could just listen to my play list. Today, is not such a great day. I think I really get tired of Christmas vacation. What to do with your children at this time of year. I have decided to let him run the streets!!!!! (Not really) I know you teachers think you need all this time, but us "mothers" need to know our kids our learning and have somewhere to be!!!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Well, I am so excited to have a blog, this is awesome. Thanks Sayda, you are a doll.
Rick and I have been married for almost 17 years. We have been a very blessed family. We have 3 children, Kameron who is 23, living in Mesa Arizona and loving every blasted minute of it. He is attending Mesa Community College getting things in order to start the Nursing program next fall. He loves the "warm" weather. He is such a fun guy to have around. We laughed so hard over Christmas. It was such a wonderful Christmas just looking across the room and knowing he was here. His little brother can't get enough of him. Especially when he shows up at school for lunch, what a great big brother. Rick has a daughter Heather, she is 20 living in Ogden Utah going to Weber State in the dental hygene program. Then we have our blessed joy, Kelby who is 11, he is a 6th grader and White Pine Middle School. He loves to play the trumpet and sing and smile, he just loves to help where ever he is needed. He like to play soccer and swim especially he is our fish in the summer. Rick and I are very proud parents, we have been very blessed.
Rick, is very busy year round. He is an executive sales manager for ez-health care a soft ware company that puts medical billing into doctor's offices. He is also in his 19th year of officiating basketball, I guess you could say he loves it. Last year he was very fortuniate to get a college schedule with the scenic west. So, he gets to officiate the "big Boys" and girls too. Those games are such fun to watch. He also does football and baseball. In his spare time he has taken the love of cycling to its top level. He got to ride the Lotja this past summer. Which is a bike ride from Logan Utah to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. (That is 200 hundred Miles for those of you wondering).
I was very proud of him, he finished!!!!!!!! His motto is "FIT FOR LIFE." Great for all of us.
We as for me. I keep the home fire burning. I love making sure my family is taken care of. Getting all the honey doos done. I am still working at the Courthouse going on 29 years. I guess you could say, it is a pretty good job!!! I do love my job and I really enjoy the people I work with. I also in my spare time, coach High School volleyball, going on my 4th season. It is totally awesome, I love the game, and I play some what on the weekends in the city league. Not the olympics, but it is pretty fun. I have taken on Rick's motto, and started running a year ago, and this past fall, ran in my first 5K, called the Turkey Trot. I finished and that is a good thing. I am hoping to get one more run in before the New Year. We are happy and good. (Pictures are coming!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Dayleys Have A Blog!

Okay, I am giving in. The Dayleys have a blog! I hope it helps me keep in touch with some of you out there.